We place a high value on your privacy and the security of your personal information. Amenremit Pty Limited is dedicated to safeguarding and respecting Your privacy, as well as processing Your information in an open and transparent manner. This privacy statement explains how Amenremit Pty Limited collects and uses the personal information you provide on our platform:, what we do to protect it, with whom we share it, your rights in relation to the personal information we hold about you, and who you can contact for more information.

We are dedicated to safeguarding our customers' privacy and security. This Privacy Statement outlines what personal information we gather about you, who we share it with, and how you can instruct us not to share particular information with specific parties. "Personal Information" refers to information that can be used to identify a person, such as a person's name and email address. Please read this Privacy Statement completely. Certain provisions may be applied differently to people of different jurisdictions.

You agree to the terms contained in this Privacy Notice by using our services. This privacy policy may be updated when our information practises change. If we make any significant changes, we will notify you through email (delivered to the email address indicated in your account) or a prominent notice on this Site before the change takes effect. Please return to this page on a regular basis for the most up-to-date information about our privacy practises.



We collect, process, and store personal information from you and any devices you may use when you use our Services, fill out a web form, update your information, or otherwise contact with us about our Services. Personal information may also be obtained from third parties. We collect information for the following reasons.


I. To confirm your identity

II. Collecting money for your usage of the Service III. Detecting and preventing fraud and other unauthorised uses of the Service

IV. Improving and simplifying the user experience

V. Sending you marketing messages, service updates, and promotional offers

VI. To send you and/or the recipient of your remittances transaction warnings.



I. We collect personally identifiable information in the following ways: II. directly from you when you use our Services; III. automatically as a result of your use of our Services; IV. through the use of cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies; and V. through other third-party sources.





The following are the types of information we acquire directly from you: Your name, address, e-mail address, and phone number, as provided by you while using the Service. We may also collect sensitive information from you, such as your bank account number, credit card number, date of birth, and social security number, as well as other identification documents we may request to verify your identity in order to establish your Account with the Service safely and securely. To support our Service, we request that you give us with your recipient's full name, physical address, email address, and phone number. We may also request sensitive financial information from you, such as the name, bank account number, and routeing number of the beneficiary. If you give us personal information about someone else, you must get their clear and prior agreement. You must inform them of how we collect, use, disclose, and preserve their personal information, according to our Privacy Notice. Your transaction history, how you choose to pay/fund your remittance, and to whom you transfer or receive money using the Service, as well as the recipient's collection method. Most of the time, you decide how much information to share with us, but failing to disclose required information, such as payment information needed to complete a transaction, may limit your ability to engage in certain activities. INFORMATION COLLECTED AUTOMATICALLY DURING YOUR USE OF THE SERVICE We receive and keep information created by your activity when you use our Site and Services or interact with them, such as usage statistics and other information automatically received from your browser or mobile device. We collect the following information from you on a regular basis: Data on the gear and software you use to access the Service IP address, phone number, and geolocation data from your mobile device The web pages you browse before accessing the Service on this and other websites. COOKIES, WEB BEACONS, AND SIMILAR TECHNOLOGIES WERE USED TO COLLECT INFORMATION. COOKIES, beacons, tags, and scripts are used by Amenremit and its partners, affiliates, analytics providers, and other service providers. To improve and simplify the user experience on our homepage and throughout the site, to remember users' preferences (such as language preference, prefered country of remittance, and for authentication), and to analyse trends, administer the site, track users' movements around the site, and collect demographic information about our entire user base. We may obtain both individual and aggregated reports based on these companies' use of these technologies. Individual browsers allow users to control cookie settings. You can still use our website if you reject cookies, but your access to certain services and areas may be limited. Your IP address; browser type and version; prefered language; geographic location using your IP address or GPS, wireless, or Bluetooth technology on your device; operating system and computer platform; the complete Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, from, and including our Site (including date and time); and the areas of our Site that you visited are examples of the information collected. We may also keep track of the length of your visit as well as the frequency with which you visit, purchase, or utilise the Services. We may assign you one or more identifiers so that we can track your future visits.



We may supplement the information we gather with information obtained from other parties. We may collect and use publicly accessible demographic information, supplementary contact information, and information received from identity verification services and credit reporting agencies, as permitted by applicable national laws. Social Media Features, such as the Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter symbols, as well as Widgets or interactive mini-programs, are available on our website. These features may collect your IP address as well as the URL of the page you were visiting. Set a cookie to enable the Feature's proper functionality. Social Media Features and Widgets are hosted by either a third party or by our site. Such social media sites may automatically allow us access to certain personal information they have on file for you (for example, content you've watched, liked, or acted on). The provider's privacy practises control your interactions with these Features. WHEN ARE WE ALLOWED TO SHARE OR DISCLOSE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION? We will not sell, share, or rent the information we gather to third parties for promotional reasons unless you give us permission. Regardless, we may share information about you (including non-public, non-personally identifiable information) with the following parties: Third-party service providers under contract with Amenremit who assist us with business operations such as transaction processing, fraud prevention, collections, email communications, live chat, and marketing. These service providers may only use your personal information to the extent required to offer these services to us. If we sell, buy, or merge any or all of our assets, your personal information may be one of the transferred assets. In the case that this occurs, we will make a notification on our website. Only in response to a formal request, subpoena, or other legal action, or where we think in good faith that disclosure is required to comply with the law, report suspected criminal behaviour, or investigate alleged violations of our User Agreement. OTHER APPLICATIONS OF PERSONAL INFORMATION THAN PROVIDING PAYMENT SERVICES We routinely collect and retain certain information in log files, as do other websites. Internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit sites, operating system, date/time stamp, and/or clickstream data may be included in this data. This information may be combined with other information we have about you. This is done to improve the services we offer, to ensure security, and to improve marketing, analytics, and site operation.



This website may include connections to other websites. Amenremit Pty Limited accepts no responsibility for the content or privacy practises of third-party websites. We strongly suggest you to read their privacy policies before providing any personal information to any other websites. We may also opt to collaborate with third-party ad networks to either show or manage our adverts on other websites. Our ad network partners may use cookies and Web beacons to collect non-personally identifiable information about your activity on this and other websites in order to provide you with interest-based advertising. If you do not want this information to be used to show you targeted adverts, click HERE to opt out. Please keep in mind that this does not stop you from receiving adverts. You'll keep seeing generic adverts. Google AdSense may be used to publish adverts on and for this website. When you view or click on an advertisement, a cookie is placed on your computer to help you receive more relevant adverts on this and other websites. To opt out of the use of this cookie, go to Google's Advertising and Privacy policy at



In addition to such references, we publish personal testimonials from delighted clients on our website. With your permission, we may post your testimonial along with your name. If you want to change or delete your testimonial, please contact us using the details in the CONTACT US section. If you choose to use our referral service to tell a friend about our website, we will ask for the friend's name, email address, and phone number. We will automatically send your buddy a one-time email inviting them to see the site. Amenremit exclusively retains this information for the purpose of sending you this one-time email and tracking the performance of our referral programme.



Certain federal and state laws allow you to limit the sharing of your personal information. These regulations, however, forbid prohibiting other forms of sharing. Because we have chosen not to participate in certain types of data sharing, the only data sharing that you can restrict is as follows: If you change your mind after giving us permission to share your personal information with third parties with whom we jointly market our products, you may CONTACT US through email or snail mail. You can also unsubscribe from promotional emails by going to your E-mail Preferences and clicking the "Unsubscribe" link in each email we send you. ACCESS TO AND RETAINMENT OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA We shall comply with your legal right to access, change, or delete your personal information. If you have a legal right to access, alter, or delete your personal information, we may deny you access or refuse to modify or delete your information in line with applicable national laws, but we will provide you with an explanation. You can access, change, or remove the personal information you've submitted on our site by login into your account and changing your preferences. You can also get in touch with us using the information provided under CONTACT US. Your information will be retained for as long as your account is active or as long as it is required to provide you with services. We will keep and use your information as necessary to comply with the law, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.



To protect your information against loss, misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure, and alteration, we employ administrative, organisational, physical, and technical precautions such as firewalls and data encryption. Our security controls are designed to keep data secret, intact, and accessible to an appropriate degree. We routinely monitor our website, data centres, systems, and other assets for security flaws to ensure the continued protection of your personal information. All Amenremit employees must pass financial and criminal background checks as a prerequisite of employment. ADDITIONAL IMPORTANT DETAILS DATA TRANSFERS TO OTHER COUNTRIES Amenremit Pty Limited's headquarters are in Australia, and we have businesses, entities, and service providers in Australia and around the world. As a result, we and our service providers may move, retain, or access your personal information in jurisdictions that do not have the same level of data security as your home jurisdiction. We shall take steps to guarantee that your personal information is sufficiently safeguarded in the jurisdictions in which it is handled. If you are located in the European Economic Area, we guarantee adequate protection for the transfer of Personal Information to countries outside the EEA through a series of inter-company agreements based on the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC Standard Contractual Clauses.



Amenremit does not offer services to minors and does not collect Personal Data from children under the age of 13. If you suspect we have inadvertently obtained information about your kid, or if you have any questions or concerns regarding our child-related practises, please contact us using the CONTACT US information mentioned below, and we will react promptly. PLEASE GET IN TOUCH WITH US.

Please email if you have any questions, complaints, or requests about your personal information or this Policy.

AMEN REMIT PTY LTD - Office Address: Amen Remit Pty Ltd, Level 26, 44 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia Phone: (+61) 420203277 

Austrac No.: 100751262    ACN: 649   143   831    ABN: 72   649   143   831